Scott Grabell, Scotty the Blue Bunny, writes about the Orlando attacks.
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Scott Grabell, Scotty the Blue Bunny, writes about the Orlando attacks. - Foto: Privat/Ap
Scott Grabell, Scotty the Blue Bunny.
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Scott Grabell, Scotty the Blue Bunny. - Foto: Privat
"This is not isolated violence! It is today's chapter in a rich historical continuum of violence against queer people".
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"This is not isolated violence! It is today's chapter in a rich historical continuum of violence against queer people". - Foto: Ap

It's time we talk about the giant pink triangle in the room

Scotty the Blue Bunny: It's time to talk about guns, religion, mental health, and the giant pink triangle in the room.

Detta är åsiktstext i form av en debattartikel. Åsikterna är skribentens egna och inte Nyheter24:s.

The horror in Orlando, coupled with a second gunman arrested on his way to LA Pride later that day, is a complex stimulus for me. Yes, there is a gun control issue. Yes there is a religious issue. Yes there are mental health issues. But right now there is a glaring homophobia issue.

I have been distracted by gun violence before. I've learned the hard way to think about it like this: Putting an end to the lynching of African Americans, nobody fought for "rope control". They protested racism. They fought for human rights.

I resisted calling certain events as racist, focusing on the gun. But don't be distracted by the weapon. They change daily. Focus on the hearts and minds of people.

I've seen many posts, and comments on posts that focus on the parents of the attacker. "What the hell did they teach that kid?" I'd like to ask you good people this: How many things did you learn from your parents and how many from your friends? How many things are taught child to child? Peer to peer? I don't care what kind of home you come from, you end up living in the world.

It's easy to think you can find one person to blame, but really - look at the total environment. Racism, misogyny, homophobia, ageism, ableism, religion, fear... Our sweet little planet swirls with it. What are we teaching each other?

I'm repeating my self, but it bears repeating. This is not isolated violence! It is today's chapter in a rich historical continuum of violence against queer people.

With guns or no guns, by religious and secular folk. All the presidential rhetoric coming out of America has no mention of culture or diversity outside of bathroom panic.

For the sake of the victims in Orlando, their familes, the survivors and LGTBQIA+ fearing for their lives around the world, it's time to talk about guns, religion, mental health, and the giant pink triangle in the room. ‪#‎lovegaypeople‬

Scott Grabell,
Scotty the Blue Bunny


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