Falling Whistles Tillsammans Med Haberdash
Falling Whistles, Tillsammans Med. & Haberdash och presenterar deras första installation i Sverige. En modern tolkning av ett gummiträd och syftar till att ge besökaren en djupare insikt i vår tids dödligaste konflikt, som pågår just nu i Kongo.
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Falling Whistles is a campaign for peace in Congo.Â
We sell the whistle as a symbol of protest & ask you: be a whistleblower for peace. We believe the solutions to Congo's problems come from those living within them. Together we are investing in Congolese visionaries and building a coalition to end our world's deadliest war. In 2008 we met 5 boys in eastern Congo. Former child-soldiers held in a military camp. One boy told us the story of children sent to the frontlines of war, armed with only a whistle. His story birthed our symbol. It was shared across the world with readers who wrote back asking - what do we do?Â
We have not been silent since.
Foto: Ylva Lundberg